How much does a physio appointment cost australia?

Each professional has their own fee structure, so you need to compare rates before scheduling an appointment. The cost of your physical therapy services will vary depending on your current situation and the health fund agreements at your nearest Core Physio office. Select the fare category below to learn more about your out-of-pocket costs when you make an appointment. We support HCF's “More For Muscles” program.

This program reimburses HCF members 100% of the benefit for an initial consultation, once a year (for a new medical condition or an outbreak of an existing condition). This reimbursement depends on your level of health coverage with HCF. If you have any questions, please contact them directly. Treatment should be face-to-face and your physical therapist or other allied health professional will discuss your progress and needs with you and your family doctor.

You may need to see a physical therapist if you have any of the following problems. Patients suffering from chronic musculoskeletal conditions may be eligible for subsidized costs in a Medicare-funded limited physical therapy treatment (5 visits every 12 months). Your health insurance may cover some physical therapy appointments or appointments, usually as discounts on payment (reduced out-of-pocket costs). However, you will be asked to provide a GP referral stating that you need physical therapy, before your first appointment.

Children who have been diagnosed with cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, fragile X syndrome, autism, or who have specific levels of hearing and visual impairment are eligible to receive Medicare reimbursements for physical therapy and other associated health treatments under these programs. When you visit the physical therapist for the first time, you can usually expect to pay a little more for your initial consultation, as it usually takes longer to complete the evaluation, medical history, and diagnosis. The length of a physical therapy consultation session will vary depending on the condition being treated. If you have mental health problems, it may be worth considering consulting with a physical therapist.

If you're not covered by insurance, there are still several ways to lower the cost of seeing a physical therapist. Many medical and complementary health care services, such as physical therapy, ambulance services, the cost of glasses and hearing aids, psychology and occupational therapy, are not covered by the Medicare plan in most cases. To make sure physical therapy classes and appointments are right for you, talk to your doctor or insurance provider. If you are eligible, your doctor will develop a plan of care and provide you with appropriate referral forms that must be provided to the physical therapist or other health professional before or at the time of treatment.

When Allianz approves your request, Core Physiotherapy and Pilates Studio will bulk bill your appointments, and all accounts will be sent directly to Allianz and with no out-of-pocket costs for the patient.

Oliver Smith
Oliver Smith

Hardcore social media ninja. Amateur internet aficionado. Certified music specialist. Passionate tv junkie. Subtly charming twitter maven. Devoted coffee enthusiast.